Overview of the District
The Graeagle Fire Protection District is a common-interest fire district in Plumas County, California, providing fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue, and emergency medical services. The fire district formally began in 1967, although it has roots as a fire department dating to 1919, and encompasses an area of approximately 7.6 square miles.
Fully volunteer, the firefighters provide service from two stations, and have automatic aid and joint training agreements with Plumas Eureka FD. They are also active participants in the Plumas County Mutual Aid system - for example, they have responded to help with structure fires in Portola, Quincy, Belden, Eastern Plumas, Plumas Eureka, and Long Valley. Fire Chief and Paramedic Ed Ward serves as President of the Plumas County Fire Chiefs Association, and is a leader in providing EMS training. He is the lead instructor for the Feather River College Emergency Medical Technician training program, and also teaches independently in CPR/AED, Emergency Medical Responder, for the US Forest Service and other organizations.
The District is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider. Graeagle is proud that almost all of the volunteer firefighters are EMT-1's, and their mission is "all-risk". To learn more, click below to go to their web site. The district operates two Type 1 engines, one Type III, one Water Tender, two Rescues, and one command vehicle.
Fully volunteer, the firefighters provide service from two stations, and have automatic aid and joint training agreements with Plumas Eureka FD. They are also active participants in the Plumas County Mutual Aid system - for example, they have responded to help with structure fires in Portola, Quincy, Belden, Eastern Plumas, Plumas Eureka, and Long Valley. Fire Chief and Paramedic Ed Ward serves as President of the Plumas County Fire Chiefs Association, and is a leader in providing EMS training. He is the lead instructor for the Feather River College Emergency Medical Technician training program, and also teaches independently in CPR/AED, Emergency Medical Responder, for the US Forest Service and other organizations.
The District is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider. Graeagle is proud that almost all of the volunteer firefighters are EMT-1's, and their mission is "all-risk". To learn more, click below to go to their web site. The district operates two Type 1 engines, one Type III, one Water Tender, two Rescues, and one command vehicle.